Appraisal And Vendor Management Software
On Integrated Appraisal & Vendor Management systems



In today's world of vendor management, 3rd party integrations are absolutely essential. Access direct integration on multiple levels from UDCP, EAD and back-end accounting to the standard Loan Origination Systems. Custom data mining solutions are built right in.
Residential or commercial panel management. Seamlessly manage vendor relationships with unprecedented precision. Vendor registration, ASC | HUD eligibility, forum style communication, scoring, document management and more. There is just not enough space in this little box.
Create consistency in the review process throughout your organization regardless of size. Combine our customizable automated review platform with human assisted, technical review technology for the most advanced, fully integrated, review platform available.

Treat every client as if they are your only client with client-specific settings to control billing, fee tables, vendor panels, report delivery, exclusionary list and vendor engagement.


Utilize the AppraisalFlo proprietary VScore technology to accurately assess and score the quality of panel. From subjective and objective quality metrics, to turn times, you can customize your own scoring system to reflect what is important to you.
Comprehensive customization is evident throughout the platform. Designed specifically to accommodate the various business models that have a need unique to their organizations. And if it is not there yet, all you have to do ask.

Pipeline management that is scalable is key. Leverage customizable pipeline views, search functions, automatic appraisal assignment, audit logs and role based permissible views to institutionalize order management specific to your organization.

Use AppraisalFlo's powerful backend accounting to create bills and invoices that are delivered via customizable emails with attached CSV exports for convenience. Use the CSV for import into your accounting program AFTER all of the hard work of sending invoices has been done.

Reporting is a fundamental feature of any enterprise level, vendor management platform. Use our comprehensive reporting tool to build reports on the fly or automate them to be emailed to the appropriate persons.

Appraisal Management Systems

Appraisal Management Systems

SaaS | Hosted Service
The AppraisalFlo platform is pure Software as a Service (SaaS). SaaS is a method of software delivery where applications are hosted remotely by a vendor or service provider and are made available to customers over the internet via a web-based application. Simply put, users rent the software instead of purchasing it. There is no need for local installations or updates. The pay-as-you-go model provides fantastic scalability, cost-effectiveness, and shorter deployment schedules.
Cloud-Based Infrastructure
The Company network and infrastructure reside within an AWS hybrid configuration whereby the Company utilizes multiple (2) best-in-class SOC-2 data centers for storage arrays and the AWS cloud for process servers, load balancing and backups. The AWS Global Infrastructure spans 55 Availability Zones (data centers) within 18 geographic Regions and 1 Local Region around the world, with announced plans for 12 more Availability Zones and four more Regions in Bahrain, Hong Kong SAR, Sweden, and a second AWS GovCloud Region in the US. The Company utilizes multiple availability zones (4) spread across 2 regions. The Company “primary” region resides within the US-East (North Virginia) region and the “secondary” region is within the US-West (Oregon) zone. By deploying the Company network and infrastructure into the AWS Cloud, the Company leverages its resources by inheriting the physical and environmental controls from AWS for the allocated hardware resources.
In designing the Company infrastructure, the Company has leveraged the core competencies of the AWS Cloud in order to establish the foundation of a highly secure, high-availability platform that is robust and scalable. The Company infrastructure and network configuration were designed in accordance with AWS best practices documentation. In the abstract, the AWS best practices provide guidance to assist in the development of Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) and to build a set of security policies and processes for organizations to protect data and assets in the AWS Cloud. In addition, AWS guidance highlights different security topics such as identifying, categorizing and protecting your assets on AWS, managing access to AWS resources using accounts, users, and groups and suggesting ways you can secure your data, your operating systems, applications and overall infrastructure in the cloud.
The Interagency Guidelines Establishing Standards for Safeguarding Customer Information published February 1, 2001 and revised March 29, 2005, state that each financial institution has an obligation to ensure that each of its service providers has established a security program that is consistent with the Interagency Guidelines and guidelines set forth in the FACT Act of 2003. In addition, The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), FHFA, HUD and other agencies have established that lenders/brokers are accountable for vendor compliance with consumer protection laws and federal regulations related to mortgage lending. The policy sets forth minimum standards for lenders/brokers to manage the risks inherent in third-party relationships. The CFPB, empowered by Dodd-Frank as well as the Federal Trade Commission under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), calls for immediate compliance with these regulations through effective vendor management of third-party relationships.
In a nutshell: lenders and AMC's now are accountable for vendor compliance. This type of regulatory environment is enough to give any compliance manager nightmares. Given the nature of our client base and business model, compliance with the various layers of state and federal laws is mandatory. We adhere to a strict set of protocol regarding data security, transmission and storage. To that end, the AppraisalFlo Application meets or exceeds the regulatory requirements for:
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
Dodd-Frank Act
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Appraiser Independence Requirements
The AppraisalFlo platform is designed specifically to mitigate the risk associated with appraisal management and allow to clients to deploy secure and compliant technology with confidence without sacrificing efficiency.

For any inquiries,
please call or email us:
931 Monroe Dr
Suite 201-111
Atlanta, GA 30308
Tel: 1-888-989-3540
Tel: 1-404-257-6966
Fax: 1-678-868-2398
For general questions or to request a call back, please call or fill out the contact form and we will get right back to you!